Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?

I'm a state prison guard in NY and it just seems to me that Correction Officers are truely the only people that remember the victims of crime. While I watch 3oo inmates a day play basketball, and softball I wonder what are we Correcting at all. DId you know in most prisons in the state prisoners have access to cable channels such as showtime, cinemax, HBO, ect, ect, They buy food from the prison store that is paid by tax payers and which they buy most everything at cost( no profit is made). I believe that we are giving themcollegecourse once again free of charge. (pretty said when a smart high school student can't go tocollegebecause he can't afford it, but aconvicted murderer can for go for free) Medically Prison inmates have the best health care than anyone...inmates are having shoulders rebuilt and hips replaced. These are rapists, drugdealers and murders that get this treatment sounds more of a retirement home then jail doesn't it.

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba mock draft

I agree with you for the most part....yet, there are many

inmates which really got a bum deal on 'mandatory' rather

than judgement sentencing.....inmates that could be converted

into law abiding productive citizens....I believe there should

be screenings done to sort out the promising ones from the

pure sure losers, those that won't be converted no matter

what...Every life is important and it is my contention that many

good lives are ruined because they are thrown in with the

bad ones and never realized.....ONE BAD APPLE WILL



Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba scores ,nba teams

they dont forget them....there is just so many that the police can handle at one time.
Firstly, there would be a lot less victims of violent crime if law abiding citizens were "allowed" to bear arms in New York, like 39 states do, states that have experienced great success in reducing victimhood. That being said, prison is for segregation, not punishment. Prison conditions should be as good as reasonably possible. The only truly significant punishment in felony crime, is the death penalty, something I see as radically immoral, and unconstitutional. Furthermore, anyone presenting a pattern of violence should be immediately segregated from society for life.

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