Thursday, December 3, 2009

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?

I am about to graduatecollegewith an excellent degree and job already lined up but I am jealous of this girl who dropped out ofcollegeand is going to be making more money off of this baby than I will make in a life time from my degree. Is it normal to feel this way?

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba graphics

she will still have diapers to change and a child to raise,you'll have your freedom night and day why be jealous,you didn't mention marriage,so another unwed mother

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba live 2007 ,nba teams

lol..yeah...we feel that way every now and then...dont we?

But think about this...

what happens if your friend's hubby leaves her or something like that happens...she wont ever have a proper job to stand on her feet..she wont be able to support her children that well..

u on the other hand..hold a high status in society and stand on your ground firmly...without having to depend on anyone else.

Be happy for your friend.

be happy for yourself too!

good luck:)
If you are a true friend it is not normal to feel the way you do. A true friend would be happy that her friend does not have to struggle to raise a child. A true friend would encourage her friend to finishcollegeafter the birth of the child.
Yes, it's very normal. you are feeling that you got the short end of the deal. Here she is not having to work for anything and you having to bust your butt for everything. But remember this. Good people are going to have more respect for you because you worked for everything that you have and she got it handed to her.
Yes, it's normal to be jealous. It is also, in this case, unhealthy. You can't worry about everybody that gets away with not having to work hard in this life. Live your life worried about you. Jealousy is fine - in moderation. Don't let it destroy your friendship. After all, if the tables were turned, would you have done the same thing? Congratulations on the degree by the way. I think if I was a rich baller I'd want a female that was smart and educated, not just some piece of a$$ I could get.
She is probably jealous of you ! You are doing something wonderful with your life, you have a future ahead of you . She will be miserable eventually . She may not have the dad in her life or that of the childs either. Dont get hung up on celebrity CRAP. Money off of the baby SAD. Money does NOT buy happiness or well being. Follow your dreams...not HER nightmare.
Sure I mean that is a human reaction. But just remember that you will be earning everything that you will get and your friend will be living life off of that poor baby. You have a lot to be happy about. You are graduating with a degree in something that I hope you enjoy and you already have a job. Thats much better than mostcollegegrads I know.

Its very easy to become jealous but remember that your life in the long run will be happier and more fulfilling.

Good Luck with your JOB!!!!!!!!!
Though it may be normal to feel this way, there's no need to jealous. You've got your own stuff and not many women, especially black women can say that have that. Heaven forbid but if they got a divorce, she may end up a s s out. You'd still have your degree , job and independence. Hang in there.

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