Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who's gonna win it all?

if you had to pick right this minute... who would you pick to win the national championship forcollegebasketball?

Who's gonna win it all?nba teams

Never bet against Duke.

Who's gonna win it all?nba playoff bracket ,nba teams

Gaytors or UNC
Michigan State all the way baby!
Let me list some of the contenders for the basketball national championship. Wisconsin would be one; just look at what they've done so far this season. The Badgers have beat Ohio St., Pittsburgh, and Marquette and are 21-1. They also have a 17 game win streak. And Alando Tucker rocks! Florida and UNC also have a shot to win the national championship; they're both very talented teams.
I would have to know what teams I would have to choose from.
THE Ohio State University will win the National Championship this year. They have only three loses, coming agianst the top three teams in the country, on the road. If any of those games were played on a neutral court, Ohio State would win. They almost beat Wisconsin, losing by three and they played a very good game against North Carolina, staying in it down the stretch. They did have a very bad loss agaisnt Florida on the road, but this is a young team that is only getting better, and a neutral court would change alot. Once Greg Oden can play with two hands, he will be the most dominant player in the country.
Oregon Ducks
Flrida Gators woo
The Badgers.

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