Thursday, December 3, 2009

College Issues already?

I go to a prestigious prep school in Illinois. Im a sophomore in high school. I really want to get into a good lib arts school like Bucknell. My GPA is a 3.8 out of 4.0. I take honors math and english. Unfortunately I don't do well in Spanish and i might get a C this semester. Its important to take into account my grading scale is a 93-100 for a A. I play basketball and football. I feel that this C is going to ruin me with my applications. Any advice or colleges that you think I should look at?

College Issues already?nba league pass

I think your GPA is great, also, I don't think that the Spanish class is going to affect your application for college. What you should do to get a better grade is to retake Spanish during summerschool or the next school year. The school will eventually replace your C by a better grade and that C won't even exist on your transcript at all.

Good luck

College Issues already?nba tv ,nba teams

Coming from a Mother of a Sophomore College Student start looking in to those colleges now the C will not hurt you, and you also have 1 more year to improve that. The sooner you start the less stress you will have on yourself ;your Senior year.

You also can go to your counselor at School and they can help you also. Most schools start looking at prospective students during there Sophomore year. Look them up on the Internet and make the first move GOOD LUCK
See if you can retake Spanish and have them record the higher grade. Most do, and that will cancel out your C.
1 bad grade might hurt your GPA, but colleges look at your whole transcript, so it seems unlikely that one bad course in your sophomore year would ruin your chanced of getting into Bucknell, but to avoid even having to think about it, see if there is any extra credit you can do. Your teacher might be a little sympathetic and let you do a little better in this class, especially since you probably won't be continuing at this level of Spanish, and you aren't slacking, but just don't do well in this particular class. I would also suggest talking to your guidance counselor if extra credit isn't possible, and you're just worried about the impact this class would have on your GPA.

The folks in the admissions office might not even care about your bad grade, as long as it doesn't start a trend, and you keep doing well. (Plus, they always look more heavily on your grades your junior year).

On the other hand, I think it might even look good that you took a risk and tried something new, even if you were only mildly successful. It says you're serious about your education, and, perhaps, you care more about learning that keeping up that GPA (even though it's understandable that this can only go up to a point - you really don't want to ruin your chance to study in a great school like Bucknell because you really loved your high school Spanish class).

Best of luck!

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