Thursday, December 3, 2009

The NBA is not fixed...?

I'm sick of everyone saying the NBA is fixed, just because of the gambling incident. I mean come on just watch a game th only time the ref's calls are biased is towards the home teams and toward superstars(Kobe,Lebron,Wade,etc.).I still prefercollegebasketball though, because the players play for the game,not the money.

The NBA is not fixed...?nfl


The NBA is not fixed...?nba power rankings ,nba teams

idk... the world has some screwed up ppl.
fixed to what exteend? now they give the superstars allthe calls but they dont shave points or ne thing
ok, its definitely not WWE, and anybody that says its fixed like that is a fool. But you have to admit, having a referee accused of point shaving and game fixing severely dampens the game. It cannot be good for confidence in the fairness of the outcomes.
you watch thecollegebasketball

not NBA basketball

what do you know???

of course you're gonna think THE NBA IS NOT FIXED
nba is not fixed
It's not fixed, but their is certainly preferential treatment. And apparently sometimes this preferential treatment is in favor of the mafia.
I believe the NBA is fixed all the stars get preferential treatment while others don't there are most likely more refs shaving points on NBA games. Most likley all atlantic division games vs west teams. because those are blowout games that no one would expect there is a hint of foul play
I think its a possibility though I don't want to believe on all levels is the hardest sport to officiate. Lots of calls are all in the eye of the one calling them...and not everyone would see it the same way...the speed of the game makes it hard to call the same way at all times...where as baseball and football there are more eyes on the field. And a more open area so things like holding, encroachment, or foul balls and tag out are a little easier to see.

But to think its every official isn't right...its like saying the whole bunch of apples is bad just because one has a worm in it.
I'll bet if the FBI digs deep enough, the evidence will eventually lead them to David Stern.
Thank you , finally someone understands
yes. that was just one rotten egg. Doesn't mean all the refs are criminals.
yea its not fixed yet becuz some referees stiill make stupid calls
you believe Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction too!
There have been a lot a bad calls the last couple of years. I think a rule change should be made so the refs dont have to try to keep the stars in the game. Maybe 2 shots and the ball if a team goes over a certain number of fouls, instead of fouling out players. (except for technicals). People pay tp see great players and its too bad when the players you pay to see have to sit on the bench in foul trouble the whole game
At least somebody is using common sense... While this is a big deal and very devastating for the organization as a whole- some people are not thinking logically about this entire situation. While there may have been things going on, the belief that the entire NBA is fixed seems ludicrous. To criticize this entire organization because of the actions of one person (without having all the evidence first) is unfair. Think about it- people criticized the voting process following the past presidential elections...but we did not say that every election is U.S. history had been fixed. Furthermore, while the refs will have the final say- you can watch the game yourself and determine whether or not its being called fairly. We should wait until all the evidence has been made public before we discredit what this organization and its' players have accomplished.
Yes, thats what i've been hearing to but nobody really knows yet.


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