Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?

When I was incollegeI used to have many black friends from Algeria, the Caribbean, and mostly from South America; But I never had any African-American friends, they were so hard to get along with. They would get mad at anything, if I would change the radio station 'coz a hip-hop song would come on, they would get pissed I had something against Blacks. If I shook their hand they got pissed 'coz I didn't shake hands "the right way", they would get mad if I didn't use their slang, they would get mad that I liked baseball, and didn't play basketball. Even my Algerian and South American friends would say African-American were weird.

The biggest difference is that Algerian and South American Black people would make fun make fun at African Americans for getting mad for being called Black, that's what we are, they would say.

Why are African Americans so touchy?

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?nba champs

all i can offer you is my own observations and theories... i've grown up in two countries and many states, and i've crossed a lot of different people.

all i can hypothesize is that african-americans or "blacks in america" a group which were treated very poorly (socially and by political policy) until the later half of the 20th century, and since they've finally been granted the same rights and protections as every other racial group in the country, they've seemingly been very determined to create their own unique identity.

like i said, i've known all kinds of people... i've known blacks who resent the term "black", and i've known blacks who resent the term "african-american". i've known some who are all about hip-hop and rap and urban culture, and some who hate it utterly. i've known blacks who actually call themselves "black rednecks", in that they identify more with "country culture". the kind of people you're talking about don't represent all american blacks, of course, but i think that in general, american blacks have a preference to assert themselves as "culturally different" than what is often percieved as the "old american standard": eg, blonde hair, blue eyes, god mom and apple pie.

as far as the people you've seen that get mad about sports and music and handshaking, i don't know. i'd just say that those people were a few "quirky" individuals with "interesting" priorities.

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?basketball shoes ,nba teams

I know alot about Black people and I'm Hispanic,but Black people and African-American is the same thing,it's African people Black people are different from. Report It

sounds like they had some problems. Maybe since the strive for equality is so strong, they felt that u were not "upholding" what is true or not true of African Americans. It sounds like they participate in the stereotypes society has created about them. It sounds ignorant. WHy should you have to be like a group and not an individual person.
Since I am neither African-American or otherwise dark-skinned I can only make the suggestion that you may encounter different attitudes due to history, upbringing, or environment. The difference does not lie in their genetics or their nationality.
Because they've been taught to be. Over the last 40 years, Black Americans have been taught that unless people do everything that they do, those people are racists and making fun of them. They have been taught by their "leaders" that they are entitled to everything without having to work for it because whites owe them for what their ancestors have gone through. And they've been made to believe that their ancestors were the only ones to have suffered any prejudice. Then, when people leave them alone because of their attitude, they have proven what they knew all along, that those people are racists. But it has nothing to do with them, you see, it's all you other people.
Something that botheres me so much at Yahoo!answers..

so many generalizations! Just because those that you encountered are this way does not mean that all AA's are angry and "so different" than others.
African Americans have had to fight very hard for their rights, just because of the tone of their skin. You can't expect them to not be a little bit touchy.

I realize that there is still discrimination in certain places, and hopefully as people become more educated it will disappear.

African Americans do much more damage to themselves than anyone else though by holding grudges for the hurts they have endured. I think there has been enough time to let go of the anger and move on. No matter what your heritage or skin tone, certain people will always try to agitate you if you act the victim.

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