Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?

When I was incollegeI used to have many black friends from Algeria, the Caribbean, and mostly from South America; But I never had any African-American friends, they were so hard to get along with. They would get mad at anything, if I would change the radio station 'coz a hip-hop song would come on, they would get pissed I had something against Blacks. If I shook their hand they got pissed 'coz I didn't shake hands "the right way", they would get mad if I didn't use their slang, they would get mad that I liked baseball, and didn't play basketball. Even my Algerian and South American friends would say African-American were weird.

The biggest difference is that Algerian and South American Black people would make fun make fun at African Americans for getting mad for being called Black, that's what we are, they would say.

Why are African Americans so touchy?

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?nba champs

all i can offer you is my own observations and theories... i've grown up in two countries and many states, and i've crossed a lot of different people.

all i can hypothesize is that african-americans or "blacks in america" a group which were treated very poorly (socially and by political policy) until the later half of the 20th century, and since they've finally been granted the same rights and protections as every other racial group in the country, they've seemingly been very determined to create their own unique identity.

like i said, i've known all kinds of people... i've known blacks who resent the term "black", and i've known blacks who resent the term "african-american". i've known some who are all about hip-hop and rap and urban culture, and some who hate it utterly. i've known blacks who actually call themselves "black rednecks", in that they identify more with "country culture". the kind of people you're talking about don't represent all american blacks, of course, but i think that in general, american blacks have a preference to assert themselves as "culturally different" than what is often percieved as the "old american standard": eg, blonde hair, blue eyes, god mom and apple pie.

as far as the people you've seen that get mad about sports and music and handshaking, i don't know. i'd just say that those people were a few "quirky" individuals with "interesting" priorities.

Why are Black people so different than African-Americans?basketball shoes ,nba teams

I know alot about Black people and I'm Hispanic,but Black people and African-American is the same thing,it's African people Black people are different from. Report It

sounds like they had some problems. Maybe since the strive for equality is so strong, they felt that u were not "upholding" what is true or not true of African Americans. It sounds like they participate in the stereotypes society has created about them. It sounds ignorant. WHy should you have to be like a group and not an individual person.
Since I am neither African-American or otherwise dark-skinned I can only make the suggestion that you may encounter different attitudes due to history, upbringing, or environment. The difference does not lie in their genetics or their nationality.
Because they've been taught to be. Over the last 40 years, Black Americans have been taught that unless people do everything that they do, those people are racists and making fun of them. They have been taught by their "leaders" that they are entitled to everything without having to work for it because whites owe them for what their ancestors have gone through. And they've been made to believe that their ancestors were the only ones to have suffered any prejudice. Then, when people leave them alone because of their attitude, they have proven what they knew all along, that those people are racists. But it has nothing to do with them, you see, it's all you other people.
Something that botheres me so much at Yahoo!answers..

so many generalizations! Just because those that you encountered are this way does not mean that all AA's are angry and "so different" than others.
African Americans have had to fight very hard for their rights, just because of the tone of their skin. You can't expect them to not be a little bit touchy.

I realize that there is still discrimination in certain places, and hopefully as people become more educated it will disappear.

African Americans do much more damage to themselves than anyone else though by holding grudges for the hurts they have endured. I think there has been enough time to let go of the anger and move on. No matter what your heritage or skin tone, certain people will always try to agitate you if you act the victim.

Does anybody feel that the 2006-07 championship could be Florida's again?

When you look at the team, they still will have the main ingredients for a championship:





I mean if it wern't for them and Billy Donavan they wouldn't have gotten it this year, but do you really think that there is a better team out there in College basketball right now? I don't my feeling is with them, but do you see another team out there that is championship material, if so tell me and be reasonable about it, and not because it is your favorite team, my team is Kentucky, but at the same time it is difficult to go with Florida cause there our rivals, but then they rep the SEC!!!

Does anybody feel that the 2006-07 championship could be Florida's again?nba street homecourt

yup. but they'll have stiff competetion from carolina %26amp; ohio state.

starting 5 next season:






nuff said...

Does anybody feel that the 2006-07 championship could be Florida's again?nba salary cap ,nba teams

I don't think so. Its hard to repeat as champions, espically incollegebasketball. They will go far, but lose somewhere during March Madness
I would like to see Florida win the championship again, but I dont think that they will

No highschool for NBA players?

who are some good current NBA players that never played high school orcollegebasketball.

No highschool for NBA players?nba playoff schedule

if they didnt go to highschool or college.. then that would mean they r like 13 years old and in middle school. im pretty sure that no one has done that, nor will this ever happen.

No highschool for NBA players?nba shop ,nba teams

NBA players have never skipped highschool butcollegethey have
There are only players that have not played incollegelike kobe and lebron.
what are u talkin about every NBA player played ball in high school
hmmm... none
There are several nba players who skippedcollegeand headed straight to the NBA. I am sure you are familiar with the names as you read along. Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Andrew Bynum, Kwame Brown, Leandro Barbosa, Tracy Mcgrady, and Dirk Nowitzki are just a few with nocollegeexperience.
lol out of 8th grade in the NBA. fat chance.

Kobe, T-Mac, KG, Amare Stoudemire, and LeBron played no college.
That will be a great trivia question in 20 years since the NBA just adopted the new rule (which is stupid) that you must attend 1 year of college. What the hell is 1 year gonna do? I say make it 2 or not at all. It will be challenges in court eventually and be dropped. I can see the future now....

The next Bill Gates,,,"No Mr Gates Microsoft of the future will not accept your application to build the biggest company in the world because you did not attendcollegefor 1 year as you are required to do" ???
Manute Bol didnt play in high school or college
ha, i think u mean who didnt playcollegeball ?

then that would be many players. amare "stat" staudamire, t-mac, kobe, lebron, kg, rashard lewis, and jermaine oneal. unfortunatley, u will never hear about any more high skool ballers coming into the nba, that is now agains the "law". but it is still a joy to watch players like kobe and t-mac, who without acollegeeducation, get paid millions just by playing some ball.

Now that Ohio State LOST To Div II Findlay (who?)....?

Can their fans please zip their lips?!? They lost to somecollegecalled a Findlay...whoever and wherever that is!

Their team is the Michigan Wolverines of menscollegebasketball. ( Well, thats not fair to Michigan. Appalachian State had a rep as a good team, just not a top 20 squad )

Is there possibly a worse team in the Big Ten? Or does OSU stand alone at the bottom?

Now that Ohio State LOST To Div II Findlay (who?)....?nba scores

Findlay is a Division 2 basketball team in the GLIAC (Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference). They have one of the best teams in the conference. I'm a little surprised but it is just an exhibition game.

As for the wherever, the University of Findlay is located in Ohio.

Now that Ohio State LOST To Div II Findlay (who?)....?nba 07 ,nba teams

D2 Findlay is a soid program whom I believe played in the elite 8 last year (the D2 national tournament) representing the Great Lakes Valley Conference. They are located in Northern Ohio and that conference is pretty much the Big East or ACC of D2. It's located in Northern Ohio and the school is among the favorites to win the D2 National Championship. What you find in D2 ball is typically very good players who were undersized at a certain postion. Ben Wallace came out of Division II.
honestly i have no clue who these people are or what team you are talking about ! lol sorry!?
they lost to WWE wrestler Fit Finaly???
I say MIchigan is worse in the Big Ten A$$ wipe! Atleast we can locate Findlay on a map! See you November 17!!
Probably Nortwestern is the worst lol.... Illini rule !!!

When does Survivor: Micronesia air on WCBS?

The show used to air on Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:00 pm (eastern time). Now (on CBS's website) it says that College Basketball (NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA) is on the same time next Thursday, the 27th. Is Survivor on a new day/time?

When does Survivor: Micronesia air on WCBS?nba power rankings

It will come on Thursday, April 3

Here is the cbs schedule

When does Survivor: Micronesia air on WCBS?nba ballers ,nba teams

Wednesday 8pm (eastern time). next week and then back to Thursdays.

PC Game Liscense?

I PURCHASED "Tournament Dreams College Basketball" on-line a while back. Had it downloaded and obtained a cd copy. Our computer crashed, everything gone. The CD still asks for a liscense. The company, .400 Software Studios, is out of business. Am I SOL or do I options here?

PC Game Liscense?nba update

Maybe you are out of luck, but .400 has a partner site online

Contact them for some help, maybe that'll do it.

College Issues already?

I go to a prestigious prep school in Illinois. Im a sophomore in high school. I really want to get into a good lib arts school like Bucknell. My GPA is a 3.8 out of 4.0. I take honors math and english. Unfortunately I don't do well in Spanish and i might get a C this semester. Its important to take into account my grading scale is a 93-100 for a A. I play basketball and football. I feel that this C is going to ruin me with my applications. Any advice or colleges that you think I should look at?

College Issues already?nba league pass

I think your GPA is great, also, I don't think that the Spanish class is going to affect your application for college. What you should do to get a better grade is to retake Spanish during summerschool or the next school year. The school will eventually replace your C by a better grade and that C won't even exist on your transcript at all.

Good luck

College Issues already?nba tv ,nba teams

Coming from a Mother of a Sophomore College Student start looking in to those colleges now the C will not hurt you, and you also have 1 more year to improve that. The sooner you start the less stress you will have on yourself ;your Senior year.

You also can go to your counselor at School and they can help you also. Most schools start looking at prospective students during there Sophomore year. Look them up on the Internet and make the first move GOOD LUCK
See if you can retake Spanish and have them record the higher grade. Most do, and that will cancel out your C.
1 bad grade might hurt your GPA, but colleges look at your whole transcript, so it seems unlikely that one bad course in your sophomore year would ruin your chanced of getting into Bucknell, but to avoid even having to think about it, see if there is any extra credit you can do. Your teacher might be a little sympathetic and let you do a little better in this class, especially since you probably won't be continuing at this level of Spanish, and you aren't slacking, but just don't do well in this particular class. I would also suggest talking to your guidance counselor if extra credit isn't possible, and you're just worried about the impact this class would have on your GPA.

The folks in the admissions office might not even care about your bad grade, as long as it doesn't start a trend, and you keep doing well. (Plus, they always look more heavily on your grades your junior year).

On the other hand, I think it might even look good that you took a risk and tried something new, even if you were only mildly successful. It says you're serious about your education, and, perhaps, you care more about learning that keeping up that GPA (even though it's understandable that this can only go up to a point - you really don't want to ruin your chance to study in a great school like Bucknell because you really loved your high school Spanish class).

Best of luck!

Is Roy Hibbert Overrated?

“I need to make myself more assertive” was the line Roy Hibbert gave after a 6 point, 6 rebound effort (if you can call it that) in a loss to #2 Memphis. That lack of aggressiveness has been the knock on this guy since he entered thecollegebasketball spotlight. At 7′2, 275 pounds that is not what any coach or potential GM wants to hear from their starting center.

Is Roy Hibbert Overrated?nba draft history

yes, joey dorsey on memphis shut him down completly. Hibbert was taken out of his game just from someone 5 inched shorter than him bodying him a little bit. hibbert is a big goof

Is Roy Hibbert Overrated?nba playoffs 2007 ,nba teams

a little bit
Yes.....and the whole Pitt team is underrated (but their win against Duke might have changed that!)

Oh, and that lack of aggressiveness by Hibbert won't get the Hoyas very far against Pittsburgh. DeJuan Blair is the most aggressive player in the Big East!!!
Big Roy can be more of a dominate big guy in the NBA if he gets with the right program. Brother, anyboy who is that tall, big and can know the game of basketball can't be wasted. Where there's a will there's a way. You can't waste that size and talent. Give big Roy a chance.

Why does Imus get fired and Rosie doesn't?

Imus makes an unfunny and somewhat racist joke about acollegebasketball team, while Rosie makes an unfunny and somwhat racist joke about Asians, and their "ching-chong' speaking. Both are not over the top jokes, they both apologize but only one is now a national headline and is losing his job.

Why is that?... Id like liberals and conservatives to weigh in on this.

Why does Imus get fired and Rosie doesn't?nba salaries

Who knows. Why wasn't' Imus fired 20 years ago when he started offending the nation? Why was he allowed to get away with sexist and racist comments his whole career?

Why is it OK for Jesse Jackson to refer to Jews as Hymie's and not be ridiculed. Why can Al Sharpton push a girl to falsely accuse a group of white boys of gang rape 20 years ago and still be seen as a leader?

Who the hell knows. Its all garbage and to say we as a nation have standards is a farce.

Ann Colter said ****.ot and got more speech bookings...the guy from Grey's got REHAB!!

Why does Imus get fired and Rosie doesn't?nba playoff ,nba teams

Glad to see that it's traversed over from a racial issue to a liberal/conservative issue now.

Imus has been dodging this bullet for many years and last week he happened to get shot.

Rosie...give it time, her time is coming as well.

It is because the Asians did not make a big ruckus about it that's why,
Because fat liberal lesbians can't be touched. They will sue, whine and make a scene just like Al Sharpton!
Imus will get fired and bow away gracefully

he is really gentle man,,,,a little crazy and has a loose tongue,,but gentle

with Rosie we would never hear the end of her wrath
Omg....what the hell?
Because the world is full of double-standards. Just like someone who's anti-abortion and unwavering is considered close-minded, but someone who's pro-abortion and unwavering is considered open-minded.
Because everyone is afraid of fat chicks and what they might do if you fire them.
Cause Rosie has enough common sense to not refer to Asians as hos.
you all are crazy!! the man made some very rude and racist remarks about females he didn't even know!!!

Barton Vs. Winona State?

The comeback that happened is one of the most amazing thing I have ever seen. If you didn't believe in March magic you better now. I think its the best game incollegebasketball history. Its the most underwatched game I have ever seen that was that great. It was the typical David Vs. Goliath story and was capped off by an awesome comeback. No more will I ever say a game is over till it says 0 on the clock. Then I look in the paper this morning and its just a short blip! Was the the most underrated game I have ever seen. I wonder what you guys think of the game?

Barton Vs. Winona State?nba gear

Cause they're not the beloved Florida and UCLA, and Georgetown. These guys play for the real integrity of the game, because they love it and they want 2 win. There r no scouts 2 impress, no TV cameras, just the 10 guys and a basketball.

I personally loved this game, because It was an upset, it was a buzzer beater, and these guys just love playing the game.

Barton Vs. Winona State?nba finals 2007 ,nba teams

That game was gaaaaay. Report It

I remember watching it live and just laughing at the replay so much. he got the shot off with less than 2/10's of a second remaining. I'm still amazed at that game and don't know if I'll ever forget it. Report It

I cried... Report It

I didn't see the game on tv. I saw the highlights. Any sport that is not Division I-A really gets no respect. These kids are very talented athletically and should receive more national attention. I saw that the game was on CBS, which is great so almost everybody could've watched the game. I bet winona state doesn't even know how to feel right now, they haven't lost in 57 games!! That was an amazing run and an amazing play by the barton player to steal it and get it off before the buzzer. Great game!! Maybe now division 2 and also division 3 teams get more publicity nationally.
GO BARTON BULLDOGS, They are from my hometown of Wilson, North Carolina, This was a great game, and whoever is a true basketball fan, should consider Div 2 and 3 Basketball too, even though a lot isn't televised, these guys truly play there heart out, and when most will never even see the NBA, they still get all my respect as athletes. Go Anthony Actkinson.

Whats your favorite sport to watch?

You like the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, College football or COllege basketball, heck you might even like soccer or racing, lets here about it and why

Whats your favorite sport to watch?baseball

mine is box lacrosse at the SENIOR A level , in canada . fastest game on two feet , chess match at high speed , shots in excess of 100 mph . second choice the womans field game , which does deserve network coverage . both sports are exploding in north america . thank you

Whats your favorite sport to watch?nba playoff schedule ,nba teams

The best sport to watch is football. You call it soccer but it's football to the rest of the world. You can't even use your feet in American Football. Your World? series is just in your country.
I like watching gymnastics cause they can do these amazing tricks. Hey anyone can dribble,kick, catch, hit a ball, but only a few can do a yurchenko vault.
deffinately gymnastics because its so different from other sports and they all do different things not the same thing over and over and over again. =D
My favorite sport to watch is MMA, and Drag racing.
to watch NFL, to play bball.

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?

I'm a state prison guard in NY and it just seems to me that Correction Officers are truely the only people that remember the victims of crime. While I watch 3oo inmates a day play basketball, and softball I wonder what are we Correcting at all. DId you know in most prisons in the state prisoners have access to cable channels such as showtime, cinemax, HBO, ect, ect, They buy food from the prison store that is paid by tax payers and which they buy most everything at cost( no profit is made). I believe that we are giving themcollegecourse once again free of charge. (pretty said when a smart high school student can't go tocollegebecause he can't afford it, but aconvicted murderer can for go for free) Medically Prison inmates have the best health care than anyone...inmates are having shoulders rebuilt and hips replaced. These are rapists, drugdealers and murders that get this treatment sounds more of a retirement home then jail doesn't it.

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba mock draft

I agree with you for the most part....yet, there are many

inmates which really got a bum deal on 'mandatory' rather

than judgement sentencing.....inmates that could be converted

into law abiding productive citizens....I believe there should

be screenings done to sort out the promising ones from the

pure sure losers, those that won't be converted no matter

what...Every life is important and it is my contention that many

good lives are ruined because they are thrown in with the

bad ones and never realized.....ONE BAD APPLE WILL



Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba scores ,nba teams

they dont forget them....there is just so many that the police can handle at one time.
Firstly, there would be a lot less victims of violent crime if law abiding citizens were "allowed" to bear arms in New York, like 39 states do, states that have experienced great success in reducing victimhood. That being said, prison is for segregation, not punishment. Prison conditions should be as good as reasonably possible. The only truly significant punishment in felony crime, is the death penalty, something I see as radically immoral, and unconstitutional. Furthermore, anyone presenting a pattern of violence should be immediately segregated from society for life.

About the ACC tournament?

I don't really get this. I'm watching womenscollegebasketball... Since Duke lost to N.C State are they out of tournament? Does this mean that they won't be able to possibly make it the final four...Elite Eight??? I don't get it at all. Can someone explain the tournament is it even related to the NCAA Championships? Anything helps. Thanks in advance

About the ACC tournament?nba tickets

The ACC is their confrence, and just cause you lose in your confrence tournament doesn't mean your out of the NCAA tournament. Duke is an good example of that, they have been a powerhouse all year so they are in the NCAA tournament but may not have the seed in the tournament they wanted because they lost. So no worries they still have a shot.

Most confrences have a season ending tournament to find a confrence champion, the winner of the confrence championship has an automatic position in the NCAA tournament. The rest of the team are selected by a committee

About the ACC tournament?nba fights ,nba teams

Actually, Duke hasnt lost any ACC tourney games yet because it doesnt start until March 8th. They lost their last regular season game to NC, and you can hardly consider Duke a power house this year with an 8-8 record in conference play. Dont worry Clemson will win it al hahahaha! Report It

Since you are talking about the girls(Duke) and everyone else seems to be talking about the boys(Duke)....this girls will make it to the tournment and they will have a number one seed since that was their first loss. Report It

Well if Duke is a good team (probobly is) they'll make the tournoment. The only afilliation confrence tournaments have with the ncaa tournament is the the team that wins their confresce tournament automaticially recives a ncaa tournament bid
Don't worry. In College Basketball, every conference (except the Ivy League) determines their champion in a conference tournament format. The winner of that conference tournament gets an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament where they can advance to the Final Four, Elite Eight etc. Those conference champions only account for 31 or 32 of the 64 teams invited to the NCAA tournament however. The other 30 teams are chosen by what they did in the regular season. So Duke, even though they lost today, its a foregone conclusion that they will be in the NCAA tournament and they will still be the No. 1 team in the country. They can still win it all.
The conference tournaments are just to boost their rating in the NCAA tournament.

Duke will probably still have at least #2 in the AP

They are definitely in the NCAA Tournament

I want to go to Northwestern University?

I want to go to Northwestern University and major in journalism. I also want to play basketball, but I'm not sure I can pay the high yearly tuition. I know NU won't come looking for me down in Atlanta, because of my average GPA (3.2) and my SAT scores (1450). I'm taking the SAT again and I hope to improve my score. I wanted to know would NU accept a basketball player coming from a junior college?

A little more about me

*11th grader

*1450 SAT score, I haven't taken the ACT

*In Who's Who's Among High School Students and two other academic yearbooks

*GPA is 3.3 (last time I checked)

*I want to major in Journalism with a minor in Communications

I want to go to Northwestern University?nba mock drafts

If you're really good at basketball, NU is an NCAA school so they have scholarships for it.

Academically, I don't think you'd get into NU (I assume your SAT is the new SAT) although you're out of the ballpark either. Combine your academics with some basketball skills and talent, and you might get in.

Unfortunately, you might have to change your major. NU has one of the best journalism schools in America and they have pretty high standards.

NCAA schools and thus, NU, do accept basketball players from junior colleges. Some colleges actually rely a good deal on junior colleges but others almost exclusively try to recruit freshmen.

I want to go to Northwestern University?nba street ,nba teams

How did your GPA during your writing of your question go up from a 3.2 to a 3.3? No biggie - I just found it funny. Regarding your SAT score - is that with just two parts of the test or all three parts of the test. If that is including all three that is a very low score for Northwestern University and I would suggest that you look into another college. I would suggest to check out to see some of the data as to who is accepted based on high school academic achievement and SAT scores to the school.

Good Luck!!!
Northwestern is a tough, tough school. very cut throat. If you want to even go there and have them consider you, you need to get those grades up. The academic yearbooks don't mean a thing, especially for a school like Northwestern. Most of the students that go there have 5.0 out of 4.0 GPAs and ridiculous ACT and SAT scores. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm trying to be realistic, you'd have to be a very good basketball player to be considered by northwestern. They possibly would recruit you from a junior college. That I'll give you. But you'd have to work to get those grades up and keep them up. Make sure, especially with the GPA and SAT score that you have, you need to contact the coaches (go through the website, it's easier than it sounds), and keep contact with them. Give them your stats, and make sure that you go to Northwestern and visit, and make sure that they see you play. If you are a good basketball player, they will recruit you. The school may be full of smart people, but they will understand your financial situation. And, as an added bonus, if you are really good at basketball, you could get a decent scholarship.

Good luck!
75% of the students at Northwestern have SAT scores that are 700 points higher than yours. More than 75% have higher GPAs.

It is highly unlikely that you would be accepted to Northwestern unless it was on a basketball scholarship. The Big Ten is one of the more competetive leagues -- so you would have to be very good. I'm sure they would love to have a McDonald's All America with your GPA and SAT scores. But unless you are that good -- there isn't much luck.

The good news for you is that many of the best journalism schools are at State Universities -- and you have a much better shot at getting into one of them.

You can certainly do a lot better than a community college.
Really would all depend on your skill level. If you're a blue chipper it really doesn't matter where you come from anymore.

Who is Steve Physioc?

He subbed for Joel Myers on play by play commentary on Saturday night for the Laker game, and I was wondering who he was. I would assume he's done commentary before like for high school orcollegebasketball or something since they wouldn't pull a random person off the street and have him do commentary. So who is he?

Who is Steve Physioc?nba ballers

Steve Physioc returns for his 10th season as the television play-by-play voice of Angels baseball

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?

I'm a state prison guard in NY and it just seems to me that Correction Officers are truely the only people that remember the victims of crime. While I watch 3oo inmates a day play basketball, and softball I wonder what are we Correcting at all. DId you know in most prisons in the state prisoners have access to cable channels such as showtime, cinemax, HBO, ect, ect, They buy food from the prison store that is paid by tax payers and which they buy most everything at cost( no profit is made). I believe that we are giving themcollegecourse once again free of charge. (pretty said when a smart high school student can't go tocollegebecause he can't afford it, but aconvicted murderer can for go for free) Medically Prison inmates have the best health care than anyone...inmates are having shoulders rebuilt and hips replaced. These are rapists, drugdealers and murders that get this treatment sounds more of a retirement home then jail doesn't it.

Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba mock draft

I agree with you for the most part....yet, there are many

inmates which really got a bum deal on 'mandatory' rather

than judgement sentencing.....inmates that could be converted

into law abiding productive citizens....I believe there should

be screenings done to sort out the promising ones from the

pure sure losers, those that won't be converted no matter

what...Every life is important and it is my contention that many

good lives are ruined because they are thrown in with the

bad ones and never realized.....ONE BAD APPLE WILL



Why does the state of NY forget about the victims of violent crimes?nba scores ,nba teams

they dont forget them....there is just so many that the police can handle at one time.
Firstly, there would be a lot less victims of violent crime if law abiding citizens were "allowed" to bear arms in New York, like 39 states do, states that have experienced great success in reducing victimhood. That being said, prison is for segregation, not punishment. Prison conditions should be as good as reasonably possible. The only truly significant punishment in felony crime, is the death penalty, something I see as radically immoral, and unconstitutional. Furthermore, anyone presenting a pattern of violence should be immediately segregated from society for life.

How DO I make a highlight tape.?

I am sending in a highlight tape of my highschool basketball games to send off to a college, and i have some of them on a cassete video recorder camera. How do i put them together to make a highlight tape

How DO I make a highlight tape.?nba live 2007

what you need to do is get them on your computer and edit them. The first thing you need to do is tell us if you have analog or digital tapes, the process for each if very different. But generally, if they are analog, you need an analog to digital capture card. If your cassettes are digital, you need to connect your firewire cable that came with your cam to a firewire card in your pc. If you don't have a card, you need to buy one, they're cheap. Then you need to capture from your cam using capture software, such as Nero 6 (which also is editing and writing software) The software AND the firewire card are very cheap. Once you get your cassette(s) on your pc, then you go into your editing software and select start and end times for a section you want. You can bring in several copies of the same video into the editor, selecting different starting/stop times and splice them together that way, just using the sections you want. There are transitions (such as fade out, fade in) that tie it together and make it look more professional. You can even add a music track or talking track.

A Basketball Prospect Depressed?

Ok, I'm a known basketball prospect but I get depressed a lot, like the school I went to before I had success. I became known at the school by colleges and scouts, I was even in a magazine and on TV, but since I transferred to this other school I was cut by the coach because he felt he didn't know me well and that he felt more comfortable with the team he previously had. That hurt me a lot he even told me I have next year, but next year is my senior season. There's even players on the team that I know I'm better than.

People feel that since I didn't make the team that I suck but all that stuff I told you up there happened but people really try their hand at ruining me and making me feel like I'm nothing.

I also get discouraged because of my height I'm 5'6, I feel like with the skills I had with a 6'0- and up body I would be unstoppable.


A Basketball Prospect Depressed?nba playoffs 2007

tough luck. start studying or come to Coppin state

A Basketball Prospect Depressed?nba league pass ,nba teams

Grow to 6'4 become a Point Guard or Shooting Guard, make the team, go to some college, get into the NBA.
sorry, i doubt you are a ''known prospect''. if you were your coach wouldn't cut you. and if you were getting scouted anyway, why are you worried? i think you're lying about that

Would anybody like to write for a Pac Ten Blog?

I am looking for another writer or two that would be interested in writing for a Pac Ten Blog:

The blog covers Pac Ten Football/Basketball and College sports. I am specifically lookinf for Oregon and Washingon fans. If you are interested in writing for the blog e-mail me at I will ask you a few questions and ask you to submit a writing sample.

Would anybody like to write for a Pac Ten Blog?nba finals 2007

I am a Big 10 fan so I could give you insight on what other people think of the Pac 10.

Basketball? Did You Guys Here?

About a 6"4 8th grade basketball player in California by the name of Michael Avery being already recruited by Kentucky University (One of the most successful bball colleges). This is crazy he hasnt even played hs ball and is already being recruited to a DI school. I played 4 years of HS and gonna play at a DII school or a low ranking first tier. This guy is a beast. He could already be a shoe in for the NBA in Kentucky U it has developed many NBA players.

1. Antoine Walker

2. Kenny "Sky" Walker

3. Jamal Mashburn

4. Tony Delk

5. Tayshaun Prince

6. Keith Bogans

7. Pat Riley

8. Rex Chapman

9. Chris Mills

10. Ron Mercer

11. Jamal MaGloire

12. Chuck Hayes

13. Rajon Rondo

14. Gerald Fitch - Played a little NBA

15. Derek Anderson

16. Walter McCarty

17. Nazr Mohammed

18. Im sure Ramel Bradley and Joe Crawford are secound rounders this year.

A. Walker, Mashburn had really good careers

Rondo, Prince can be better than Walker and Mash

Basketball? Did You Guys Here?nba store

woah...thats amazing, i wish i were that good. I play but dang to get recruited as an 8th grader to a division one school is amazing. where can you read more about this?

Basketball? Did You Guys Here?nba salary ,nba teams

Reggie Miller was talking about this the other day on the Dan Patrick Show saying that his sister, Cheryl Miller, was getting recruitment letters when she was in 6th grade. He didn't get any until he was a junior, but 6th grade? He thought Cheryl was the most recruited basketball player in history.
I'm not that surprised, a kid at my high school was recruited by Duke when he was in the 9th grade.

In fact, we get people from colleges all the time that come here to look at him, most recently the head coach of UCLA (a week or two ago).
OMG bball rockzzz!!!!! dangt u wrote alot!

Will I graduate and become famous?

I will graduate this year with a GED, I want to know will be be famous if I play basketball for a good college.

Will I graduate and become famous?nba schedules

If you are a standout player and stay focused you can become famous. Don't let basketball become your only skill though. Make sure you have a backup plan and dont bank on b-ball as your only future endeavor. Say you do become famous but you did not pay attention to your lessons in class. No one wants to listen to a bumbling idiot for a celebrity. You might get injured and your career could end just like that. Then what? You could become a coach, a sports commentator...anything in the same industry. If you do become famous don't spend your fortune foolishly...look at Mike Tyson..he lost his money to his manager and his women. When you make it big dont live too large...invest your money for your future in case the career does not last. But also think of something else you might like to do in case your plan falls through. This way you will not be so disappointed. Take some computer classes if this interests you. Do you like to take things apart and fix them, put them back together? then maybe a repair or tech job is for you. Cut hair?(barber)..cook food? (Chef) Teach kids how to play basketball? (School coach).....I don't know what your other interests are. Go for your goal of becoming famous but don't find yourself sulking if it doesn's work out- keep up your education and you can find your niche. Good luck- see you on TV.

Will I graduate and become famous?nba hoops ,nba teams

Congratulations on your graduation, realistic. Try a juniorcollegefirst and play basketball there. Who knows, you might get drafted to play at a really great university on a basketball scholarship.
yes, my sources say
Um, I don't think Yahoo Answers is the Magic 8 Ball; however, you can be as famous as you want to be. The question is how dedicated are you to putting in the work required to attain that level?
okay so the only information you've given us is that you graduated and recieved a GED. so as far as the information you have given to us I DONT KNOW if u will be famous if u play basketball for a good college. nobody knows and so this question is based totally on you and what you want to do. if u are dedicated and talented in playing basketball then yes but why would you ask a question that you only can answer yourself?
probably not. Everyone thinks that are rich and famous until they get out in the real world.

College Help... please.?

Right now I am about to start deciding on what colleges I would like to attend and my question is will I be able to get in to a Big 10 University such as Madison or Minnesota with these characteristics:

I live in Minnesota. (makes it hard to get into Madison)

Right now i have a GPA of 3.87 (unweighted).

I only got a 24 on the ACT's

I have taken:

. AP Calc

. AP Euro

.Honors Chem

Planning on taking:

.Spanish 5 + 6

.AP Stats

. Honors Physics

I play:

. Varsity Football (Fall)

. Varsity Baseball (Spring %26amp; Summer)

. Rec. Basketball (Winter)

I work at:

. Best buy in the winter

. Mowing job in the summer

I am wanting to apply to the colleges of engineering.

Will I be a competitive candidate??? If not what should I do.

And will applying ASAP help me?

College Help... please.?nba rumors

when it comes to your classes taken and gpa..i don't think you have anything to worry about. varsity sports stand out very nicely...don't worry about that. jobs are good...

my advice is make sure you make good contacts with teachers and'll probably need reccomondations for your applications. when i say good contacts, it doesn't necessarily mean getting all A's in your gym class. your ap calc teacher will look more reputable than your phs ed teacher. prove to these people that you possess good character and you're different than the average student.

also-volunteer work. find somewhere and get a good amount of hours in. advice-find something you'll like going to so you aren't miserable at the job and you don't have the urge to quit. summer time is a good time to put in these hours, since it seems you'll be pretty stressed as is during the school years.

ps- if you're not happy with your act, take it again!

build a good resume! but please, the biggest piece of advice is to not lose yourself while trying to "create" yourself on paper. not worth it, take it from experience :)

you can be happy no matter where you go to school. don't kill yourself trying to get into yale!

College Help... please.?nba salaries ,nba teams

You should have no problem getting into UW-Madison. I did my undergraduate and am doing my MBA there. There are also a lot of Minnesota people who go to UW-MAdison and we have an excellent top rated Engineering program.

If you really want to go to UW, I suggest applying now rather than later. I got in with a 29 on my ACT and a 3.2 Cumulative GPA. Are you apart of any clubs or organizations at school? You should try joining and preferably taking on an executive position(President,VP,Secretary,etc)...m... school look at your involvement in school outside of sports and academics. They want to see a well-rounded individual.
damn...i kno alot of people who got into an ivy leaguecollegewith a lot less. u'll be fine.

Hey JJ redick fans and JJ redick Haters?

what did jj redick do to become the moct hated player incollegebasketball history

Hey JJ redick fans and JJ redick Haters?nba merchandise

He torched defenses nightly and was the greatest pure shooter in NCAA history. Teams and fans hated him simply for the fact that he wasnt on their team. Another factor was he was a cocky white boy (not being ingnorant, just telling the truth.) For the haters who believe Morrison shouldve been player of the year I say this, their numbers mirrored each other while Adam played in the West Coast Conference while JJ played in The Atlantic Coast Conference. MAJOR difference in talent levels. Finally Duke was romping or going down to the wire with ACC teams while Gonzaga often struggled to win against WCC teams.

Hey JJ redick fans and JJ redick Haters?2003 nba draft ,nba teams

Make amazing shots with his perfect shooting form. Sad thing is that I hate Duke, but respect him. (i'm ashamed to admit it).
Dude, JJ's got a hell of a shot, but when it comes to the games that matter most.. there is no JJ. He's gone, he vanishes in big games like Karl Malone. I would consider JJ Redick one of the biggest NCAA choke artists of all time. He sure had a hell of a season averaging 30+ a game, but when it comes to the tourney he only averaged 12. Yeah, he's gonna rock in the NBA... more like get rocked.
he played against the best competition in the NCAA. And he torched them. He has had a problem stepping up in bid games, but so do alot of other people. He is a great shooter, and some team will have a place for him. He is probably the best shooter ever in college, and that is an accomplishment.
He made amazing shots but when it came tourney time, he just stunk.
He was labeled the best player in the country and he isn't that's way we hate on him. He has a great jumper but outside of that he's just average. He can't take over a game with his penetration, he can't play good enough d to stop people bigger than him, and he just doesn't have much athleticism. That's why he can't play in to days NBA. He is overrated in many many ways. Compared to Raymond Felton, Chris Paul, Julius Hodge, Jared Jack, Chris Duhan, and guys like that he is just a great shooter with no game. Those guys were better than him overall, that's why nobody takes him serious and shows him no love, he's just not that great.

If anyone has espn insider can you email me the article Top dual factors: Frontcourt scoring, star p

it has to do withcollegebasketball

If anyone has espn insider can you email me the article Top dual factors: Frontcourt scoring, star power?nba update

you weren't able to retrieve it in their database... i erased mine already... sorry...

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?

I am about to graduatecollegewith an excellent degree and job already lined up but I am jealous of this girl who dropped out ofcollegeand is going to be making more money off of this baby than I will make in a life time from my degree. Is it normal to feel this way?

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba graphics

she will still have diapers to change and a child to raise,you'll have your freedom night and day why be jealous,you didn't mention marriage,so another unwed mother

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba live 2007 ,nba teams

lol..yeah...we feel that way every now and then...dont we?

But think about this...

what happens if your friend's hubby leaves her or something like that happens...she wont ever have a proper job to stand on her feet..she wont be able to support her children that well..

u on the other hand..hold a high status in society and stand on your ground firmly...without having to depend on anyone else.

Be happy for your friend.

be happy for yourself too!

good luck:)
If you are a true friend it is not normal to feel the way you do. A true friend would be happy that her friend does not have to struggle to raise a child. A true friend would encourage her friend to finishcollegeafter the birth of the child.
Yes, it's very normal. you are feeling that you got the short end of the deal. Here she is not having to work for anything and you having to bust your butt for everything. But remember this. Good people are going to have more respect for you because you worked for everything that you have and she got it handed to her.
Yes, it's normal to be jealous. It is also, in this case, unhealthy. You can't worry about everybody that gets away with not having to work hard in this life. Live your life worried about you. Jealousy is fine - in moderation. Don't let it destroy your friendship. After all, if the tables were turned, would you have done the same thing? Congratulations on the degree by the way. I think if I was a rich baller I'd want a female that was smart and educated, not just some piece of a$$ I could get.
She is probably jealous of you ! You are doing something wonderful with your life, you have a future ahead of you . She will be miserable eventually . She may not have the dad in her life or that of the childs either. Dont get hung up on celebrity CRAP. Money off of the baby SAD. Money does NOT buy happiness or well being. Follow your dreams...not HER nightmare.
Sure I mean that is a human reaction. But just remember that you will be earning everything that you will get and your friend will be living life off of that poor baby. You have a lot to be happy about. You are graduating with a degree in something that I hope you enjoy and you already have a job. Thats much better than mostcollegegrads I know.

Its very easy to become jealous but remember that your life in the long run will be happier and more fulfilling.

Good Luck with your JOB!!!!!!!!!
Though it may be normal to feel this way, there's no need to jealous. You've got your own stuff and not many women, especially black women can say that have that. Heaven forbid but if they got a divorce, she may end up a s s out. You'd still have your degree , job and independence. Hang in there.

Who do you think will be the future stars of the NBA, lets say in 10 years?

If your an all around basketball fan, you'd follow the upcoming talent in high school and college, these guys are the future NBA stars of tomorow. Who do you think will be the next VC, JKidd, Kobe, LBJ, Dwade, Dirk, AI, O'neal, Pierce, 'Melo, TMac, KG, Duncan, Gilbert, Nash, Amare, etc. Obviously, those who are in the league now, but are very young will be around 10 years from now maybe winning rings, MVPs. Such as, LBJ, Dwade, Bosh, Dwight, Oden, Durant, Morrison, CPaul, and many more young guys in the league. I think the future household names in the NBA will be; OJ Mayo, Kevin Love, Mike Beasley, Renardo Sidney, Ricky Rubio, Kyle Singler, Derrick Rose, Eric Gordon, Ty Lawson, Ty Hansbrough. We're all going to be buying their jerseys and endorsed shoes and most importantly buying tickets to watch them play live. Who else do you think are the future stars of tomorow?

Who do you think will be the future stars of the NBA, lets say in 10 years?nba schedule

Here are my predictions for the upper echelon of NBA stars in 10 years:

LeBron James (King James will always be up there)

Kevin Durant (next Rashard Lewis / Dirk Notwitzki player)

Greg Oden (next Patrick Ewing with better defense)

Dwight Howard (next Baby Shaq)

Chris Paul (next Isiah Thomas / Kevin Johnson type player)

Deron Williams (next Baron Davis)

Derrick Rose (next D-Wade / Steve Franchise type of player)

OJ Mayo (next Agent Zero)

Mike Beasley (next Lamar Odom)

Brandon Roy (next Ray Allen)

Al Horford (next Elton Brand / Horace Grant type of player)

Mike Conley Jr. (next Damon Stoudemire)

Corey Brewer (next Ron Artest)

Who do you think will be the future stars of the NBA, lets say in 10 years?nba mock drafts ,nba teams

1. Dwyane Wade

2. LeBron James

3. Yi Jianlian

4. Deron Williams

5. Kevin Durant

6. Sean Williams

7. Eric Gordon

8. Greg Oden

9. Jereme Richmond

10. Roy Hibbert
The way the NBA is going now, I dont think anyone will care or be buying jerseys shoes or tickets.
monta ellis and branden wright.
Oden - next shaq

Durant - next garnett

Lebron James (older but will be around) - next jordan

OJ Mayo - next arenas

Jason Conley - next paul
My 2 picks are D-wade, I think he will be the bes player, and Eric Gordon, if he lives up to the hype.
Jake Comito.

If anyone has espn insider can you email me the article Top dual factors: Frontcourt scoring, star p

it has to do withcollegebasketball

If anyone has espn insider can you email me the article Top dual factors: Frontcourt scoring, star power?nba update

you weren't able to retrieve it in their database... i erased mine already... sorry...

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?

I am about to graduatecollegewith an excellent degree and job already lined up but I am jealous of this girl who dropped out ofcollegeand is going to be making more money off of this baby than I will make in a life time from my degree. Is it normal to feel this way?

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba graphics

she will still have diapers to change and a child to raise,you'll have your freedom night and day why be jealous,you didn't mention marriage,so another unwed mother

A friend of mine is pregnant by a very rich basketball player, is it normal to be jealous?nba live 2007 ,nba teams

lol..yeah...we feel that way every now and then...dont we?

But think about this...

what happens if your friend's hubby leaves her or something like that happens...she wont ever have a proper job to stand on her feet..she wont be able to support her children that well..

u on the other hand..hold a high status in society and stand on your ground firmly...without having to depend on anyone else.

Be happy for your friend.

be happy for yourself too!

good luck:)
If you are a true friend it is not normal to feel the way you do. A true friend would be happy that her friend does not have to struggle to raise a child. A true friend would encourage her friend to finishcollegeafter the birth of the child.
Yes, it's very normal. you are feeling that you got the short end of the deal. Here she is not having to work for anything and you having to bust your butt for everything. But remember this. Good people are going to have more respect for you because you worked for everything that you have and she got it handed to her.
Yes, it's normal to be jealous. It is also, in this case, unhealthy. You can't worry about everybody that gets away with not having to work hard in this life. Live your life worried about you. Jealousy is fine - in moderation. Don't let it destroy your friendship. After all, if the tables were turned, would you have done the same thing? Congratulations on the degree by the way. I think if I was a rich baller I'd want a female that was smart and educated, not just some piece of a$$ I could get.
She is probably jealous of you ! You are doing something wonderful with your life, you have a future ahead of you . She will be miserable eventually . She may not have the dad in her life or that of the childs either. Dont get hung up on celebrity CRAP. Money off of the baby SAD. Money does NOT buy happiness or well being. Follow your dreams...not HER nightmare.
Sure I mean that is a human reaction. But just remember that you will be earning everything that you will get and your friend will be living life off of that poor baby. You have a lot to be happy about. You are graduating with a degree in something that I hope you enjoy and you already have a job. Thats much better than mostcollegegrads I know.

Its very easy to become jealous but remember that your life in the long run will be happier and more fulfilling.

Good Luck with your JOB!!!!!!!!!
Though it may be normal to feel this way, there's no need to jealous. You've got your own stuff and not many women, especially black women can say that have that. Heaven forbid but if they got a divorce, she may end up a s s out. You'd still have your degree , job and independence. Hang in there.

NBA players?

when i watch the NBA and College basketball i can see a big defference in it. Incollegesince players don't get paid they only focus on one thing which is the title and then the NBA, but the players in the NBA are totally different they act all like little spoiled *** brats (especially Allen with the dress code) it's like everything has to go there way if it doesn't they make a big scene about it even in the games they whine about fouls being called. i think the spotlight and the catering to them goes to their heads to fast and they think everything has to go their way, whatever happend to good old fasion basketball, where they actually play the game without making a big scene about it and i noticed that in almost every game someone is getting a technical foul or getting ejected!

NBA players?nba live 2008

i think that for the most part you're right, but some players that have good hearts still play for the title and because they love the game so much

another thing is

the kids right now, no matter how much the players in the NBA play for the money, the kids who are the future of the NBA are hoping that they can some day be like Michael Jordan and win a championschip

i think it's either way

for now i agree

not sure about the future

NBA players?nba live 2005 ,nba teams

College ball sucks. The NBA is just a constantcollegeall-star game. It's the bestcollegeplayers. The NBA is more exciting. And I LIKE seeing players shoot their mouth off. Love the drama.
That's not a question.

Why is my question not being posted?

This entire controversy has got me thinking..."Why do people think 'nappy hair' is bad?" Sharpton implies this himself by chastising the guy so much. So what if their hair is kinky? Does that make them the devil incarnate? OMG their hair isn't chemically altered, we should hate them now!?

I understand the "ho" part. What the hell kind of a grown person calls a group ofcollegebasketball players whores? But anyway, back to the point.

Do you think something is wrong with "nappy hair" and why?

This question is mainly for black people, but others are welcome to respond.

Why is my question not being posted?nba draft history

You make a good point about Sharpton, especially coming from a dude sporting a James Brown 'do. In my white opinion, for whatever it's worth, there's nothing at all wrong with nappy hair. I can remember as a kid wanting to bounce things off of it (lol). Now I just think it looks cool. I didn't even realize how uncommon it had become until I started seeing so many questions on here about black women having (or rather, not having) natural hair.

I'm sure you realize that the big issue over Imus isn't so much about nappy hair itself, but with his implication that it goes hand-in-hand with being a "ho." Another thing I didn't realize is that that grumpy old fart still had enough listeners and credibility to upset folks with his nasty vitriol. Wow, was I ever mistaken.

Why is my question not being posted?nba playoffs 2007 ,nba teams

Nothing at all . I'm a African American woman and for years I always wore a weave. quick weave, drawstring ponytail, tracks, sown in, etc. But one day I was taking my hair down to put some more in and realized how long it had become and it was nappy but I was happy. So I went and got it styled and started to appreciate the freedom of having not to worry about loose tracks, or something showing and till this day (2 years later). But now it grows better, nappier, and I fu@ing love it. So I am pissed off because of him calling them "hoes" But they should not be mad a the nappy part, not that they are, but you have to admit he did use it in a negative way, that's why black women continue to have a complex about something as simply as hair. What the hell does he know about nappy anyway?
Nothing wrong with nappy hair.It was a phrase he picked up from the blacks and used it on the air.This was wrong and he said he is sorry.Now i am wondering what it is that Al wants out of his time and trouble from making Don lose his job

Math question help?

For every 2,800 seniors playingcollegebasketball, 50 make it to the NBA. What is the ratio, in lowest terms, of thecollegeplayers who make it to the ones that don't?

Math question help?nba hall of fame

50 : 2750

1 : 55

Math question help?nba draft order ,nba teams

If 2800 represents ALL the seniors playing basketball, and 50 OF THESE make it to NBA, that means that 2750 (2800 - 50) DON'T. The ratio of those who do (50) to those who don't (2750) is

50/2750 = 1/55
Total Players= 2800

Those who make to NBA= 50

Those that don't = 2800 - 50 = 2750

That is ratio of those make to those don't = 50 : 2750

And in lowest term = 1 : 55
Are you serious?





I know some people from college that do all the same boring things all the time. Why?

For example, all they want to do is anti-social indoor activities like playing cards; nintendo; online computer games; dungeons %26amp; dragons; basketball at someone's house; etc. If I ask them to go out to a club or go to a place with a lot of people. They don't want to do that at all. I don't understand what is their problem. Do I need to move on and get new friends? These people are boring to me.

I know some people fromcollegethat do all the same boring things all the time. Why?tickets

Orrr maybe they're not you? Sometimes its nice just to stay in and lounge around playing video games. But if that's all they really do, then I would find dome friends that like to do the same things as you. Don't completely dump these friends, but you can go out and have fun with the friends that want to.

Where do you go to see how much your sports cards are worth?

I gotten about 12 packs of baseball, basketball, and football cards for my birthday which was around 1994. Is there a place or site i can go to that will tell me how much my cards are worth? hopefully they can pay for a quarter of college.

Where do you go to see how much your sports cards are worth?nba ballers

There are lots of places just google that you want a free site to check the value of your sports cards you will come up with a lot of sites! Good luck I hope that they are worth a lot!

What team in this 2006 Final Four has won the the most championships?

Whatcollegeteam in this year's Final Four has won the

NCAA Men's Basketball Championship more than any other team?

What team in this 2006 Final Four has won the the most championships?nba 2k


What team in this 2006 Final Four has won the the most championships?nba updates ,nba teams

UCLA and we are going to win another one this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UCLA, but it was eons ago.
I don't know exactly how many, but it's got to be UCLA. Under John Wooden, they won several titles in the 60s and 70s.
florida Gators they just won one last year
UCLA with 11
UCLA!!! nine in a row at one time under coach John Wooden
ucla, 10 titles i believe

Bobby Knight or Dean Smith........what do you think?

I am curious. There is a big deal being made about Bobby Knight passing Dean Smith for the leader in all time wins in Division IAcollegebasketball. An impressive accomplishment to say the very least. But, when I look at the two, I have to ask, is he actually a better coach? Knight has one more national championship and is about to pass him in wins, but had to coach for almost six extra seasons to do it. When I compare the two, Dean Smith was always able to get better players who in turn enjoyed successful careers at the highest level and Smith acheived a majority of those wins in the ACC which is historically the toughest basketball conference in the country. Look at their players. Knight can offer up Isiah Thomas opposed to Dean Smith's Michael Jordan, James Worthy, Brad Dougherty, Sam Perkins and the list goes on.....what do you guys think? Who is better and why?

Bobby Knight or Dean Smith........what do you think?nhl

I think that your last point at how Dean brought in talent that lasted through the nba and all the rest of the people you pointed out and how he had fewer years to accomplish it. Who knows maybe for the 6 more years Bobby coached maybe Dean Smith could have won 6 more national championships you never know and we will never find out.

Bobby Knight or Dean Smith........what do you think?nba street homecourt ,nba teams

I'm a Red Raider! Wins are wins...Go Knight!!

Wreck 'Em Tech!
Both are great but Smith isn't a jerk like Bobby Knight is.
Bobby Knight is a jerk but the proof is in the pudding...he's the best
they both suck.
Bobby Brown
its not even close. dean had all kinds of talent every year and won what? 1 national championship in 30 years? ( maybe 2)

knights much better and its not close

The NBA is not fixed...?

I'm sick of everyone saying the NBA is fixed, just because of the gambling incident. I mean come on just watch a game th only time the ref's calls are biased is towards the home teams and toward superstars(Kobe,Lebron,Wade,etc.).I still prefercollegebasketball though, because the players play for the game,not the money.

The NBA is not fixed...?nfl


The NBA is not fixed...?nba power rankings ,nba teams

idk... the world has some screwed up ppl.
fixed to what exteend? now they give the superstars allthe calls but they dont shave points or ne thing
ok, its definitely not WWE, and anybody that says its fixed like that is a fool. But you have to admit, having a referee accused of point shaving and game fixing severely dampens the game. It cannot be good for confidence in the fairness of the outcomes.
you watch thecollegebasketball

not NBA basketball

what do you know???

of course you're gonna think THE NBA IS NOT FIXED
nba is not fixed
It's not fixed, but their is certainly preferential treatment. And apparently sometimes this preferential treatment is in favor of the mafia.
I believe the NBA is fixed all the stars get preferential treatment while others don't there are most likely more refs shaving points on NBA games. Most likley all atlantic division games vs west teams. because those are blowout games that no one would expect there is a hint of foul play
I think its a possibility though I don't want to believe on all levels is the hardest sport to officiate. Lots of calls are all in the eye of the one calling them...and not everyone would see it the same way...the speed of the game makes it hard to call the same way at all times...where as baseball and football there are more eyes on the field. And a more open area so things like holding, encroachment, or foul balls and tag out are a little easier to see.

But to think its every official isn't right...its like saying the whole bunch of apples is bad just because one has a worm in it.
I'll bet if the FBI digs deep enough, the evidence will eventually lead them to David Stern.
Thank you , finally someone understands
yes. that was just one rotten egg. Doesn't mean all the refs are criminals.
yea its not fixed yet becuz some referees stiill make stupid calls
you believe Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction too!
There have been a lot a bad calls the last couple of years. I think a rule change should be made so the refs dont have to try to keep the stars in the game. Maybe 2 shots and the ball if a team goes over a certain number of fouls, instead of fouling out players. (except for technicals). People pay tp see great players and its too bad when the players you pay to see have to sit on the bench in foul trouble the whole game
At least somebody is using common sense... While this is a big deal and very devastating for the organization as a whole- some people are not thinking logically about this entire situation. While there may have been things going on, the belief that the entire NBA is fixed seems ludicrous. To criticize this entire organization because of the actions of one person (without having all the evidence first) is unfair. Think about it- people criticized the voting process following the past presidential elections...but we did not say that every election is U.S. history had been fixed. Furthermore, while the refs will have the final say- you can watch the game yourself and determine whether or not its being called fairly. We should wait until all the evidence has been made public before we discredit what this organization and its' players have accomplished.
Yes, thats what i've been hearing to but nobody really knows yet.


Who's gonna win it all?

if you had to pick right this minute... who would you pick to win the national championship forcollegebasketball?

Who's gonna win it all?nba teams

Never bet against Duke.

Who's gonna win it all?nba playoff bracket ,nba teams

Gaytors or UNC
Michigan State all the way baby!
Let me list some of the contenders for the basketball national championship. Wisconsin would be one; just look at what they've done so far this season. The Badgers have beat Ohio St., Pittsburgh, and Marquette and are 21-1. They also have a 17 game win streak. And Alando Tucker rocks! Florida and UNC also have a shot to win the national championship; they're both very talented teams.
I would have to know what teams I would have to choose from.
THE Ohio State University will win the National Championship this year. They have only three loses, coming agianst the top three teams in the country, on the road. If any of those games were played on a neutral court, Ohio State would win. They almost beat Wisconsin, losing by three and they played a very good game against North Carolina, staying in it down the stretch. They did have a very bad loss agaisnt Florida on the road, but this is a young team that is only getting better, and a neutral court would change alot. Once Greg Oden can play with two hands, he will be the most dominant player in the country.
Oregon Ducks
Flrida Gators woo
The Badgers.

For the girls!?

I want your opinion

Do you think that Joakim Noah is the ugliest player incollegebasketball. I dont understand why some girls think he is cute. Ok who would you hook-up with between him and Tim Tebow?

Again ladies only answer this question!

For the girls!?celtics

When I first saw him last year, before he became a household name, I thought I was watching a women'scollegegame..... That said, I think he just looks different, and not so much "ugly." He seem to have an ugly personality, though.

He does have a way of showing up in big games, and he is so quick, but I don't think he will make it in the N.B.A. at least not as a center.

For the girls!?nba ballers phenom ,nba teams

Joakim is cute how could you say he's ugly and he's a great player.
if ur a boy, why would you even ask that question !

i know u asked this question for girls, but i wuz expecting a girl to ask this question too.

boy ur weird !
i think u are insulting a bible person. noah is been great for all of us and he saved all those animals. know and understand your question firs. you are a jerk. you dont even ask a questions for the boxing forum. noah is a good man. he is dead alredy now. you are a bad man.

All Gator players are gay as hell...Tennessee Boys are way way hotter

I would so date Dane Bradshaw, in a heartbeat

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A &M College?

i need to know the president of the university,

basketball teams record,cost to attend,Average SAT score,Mascot,and team colors. Please Help!

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A %26amp;M College?nba trade

I know nothing! look it up on their web site maybe?

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A %26amp;M College?nba season ,nba teams

DR. EDDIE DAVIS is the President of A%26amp;M currently.

The records for long term success of their athletic department can be accessed through their website.

COST TO ATTEND A%26amp;M: Tuition and Required Fees


Resident students pay $145.70 per semester credit hour (consists of $50.00 state minimum and $95.70 designated tuition). Graduate students pay an additional $50.00 per semester credit hour. The state minimum tuition is not part of the flat rate tuition policy and will be charged per SCH enrolled.


Nonresident and International students pay $420.70 per semester credit hour (consists of $325.00 state minimum and $95.70 designated tuition). Nonresident and International graduate students pay an additional $50.00 per semester credit hour. The state minimum tuition is not part of the flat rate tuition policy and will be charged per SCH enrolled

MASCOT: REVEILLE, the 5 star collie

OFFICIAL COLORS: Maroon %26amp; Gray

SAT SCORES: average depends upon whichcollegewithin the university in which you have an interest. See the website for complete details.

They're Team is the Aggies. It's a University and very expensive. It's in Texas. There, thats all I know.

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A &M College?

i need to know the president of the university,

basketball teams record,cost to attend,Average SAT score,Mascot,and team colors. Please Help!

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A %26amp;M College?nba trade

I know nothing! look it up on their web site maybe?

Tell me EVERYTHING you know about Texas A %26amp;M College?nba season ,nba teams

DR. EDDIE DAVIS is the President of A%26amp;M currently.

The records for long term success of their athletic department can be accessed through their website.

COST TO ATTEND A%26amp;M: Tuition and Required Fees


Resident students pay $145.70 per semester credit hour (consists of $50.00 state minimum and $95.70 designated tuition). Graduate students pay an additional $50.00 per semester credit hour. The state minimum tuition is not part of the flat rate tuition policy and will be charged per SCH enrolled.


Nonresident and International students pay $420.70 per semester credit hour (consists of $325.00 state minimum and $95.70 designated tuition). Nonresident and International graduate students pay an additional $50.00 per semester credit hour. The state minimum tuition is not part of the flat rate tuition policy and will be charged per SCH enrolled

MASCOT: REVEILLE, the 5 star collie

OFFICIAL COLORS: Maroon %26amp; Gray

SAT SCORES: average depends upon whichcollegewithin the university in which you have an interest. See the website for complete details.

They're Team is the Aggies. It's a University and very expensive. It's in Texas. There, thats all I know.

First team in NCAA history to play forty games in a season?


First team in NCAA history to play forty games in a season?nba playoff bracket

Was it Duke?

First team in NCAA history to play forty games in a season?nba trade rumors ,nba teams

Duke, 37-3 in 1986.

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?

college of course... he has been nothing short of phenomenal in his first three games... Indiana and Gordon will be fun to watch this year...

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?nba odds

He is putting up some filthy numbers!!! He is so awesome!!

This is a great year forcollegefreshman......that big guy Love form UCLA, Greene and Flynn from Syracuse, OJ Mayo at USC, and that frosh from Memphis...forgot his name.......there

are many more too!!! Should be fun watching these young kids play!!

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?nba statistics ,nba teams

How could you not I live in Michigan and that has been the center of all conversations lately so I say go ahead on Indy do your thing this kid is awesome and deserves all the recognition that he is getting!!!

Anyone else play whatifsports?

You should check this site its AWESOME. Play the fantasycollegebasketball.Start in DIII and work your way up to DI

Anyone else play whatifsports?nba merchandise

I think this is a site where you can match up any team from any era against whoever you want. The database will produce a boxscore for your game and all the appropriate stats. Pretty cool actually, but I got bored of it after half an hour or so. Matched up the 73 Washington Capitals with the 78 Canadiens and got a 23-1 result for the Habs.

Anyone else play whatifsports?2003 nba draft ,nba teams

you might want to give us the site
I don't even know what "whatifsports" are.
No but i hear its awesome.

So is my fantasy baseball podcast - check it out

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?

college of course... he has been nothing short of phenomenal in his first three games... Indiana and Gordon will be fun to watch this year...

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?nba odds

He is putting up some filthy numbers!!! He is so awesome!!

This is a great year forcollegefreshman......that big guy Love form UCLA, Greene and Flynn from Syracuse, OJ Mayo at USC, and that frosh from Memphis...forgot his name.......there

are many more too!!! Should be fun watching these young kids play!!

Anyone else noticing Eric Gordon on Indiana's basketball team?nba statistics ,nba teams

How could you not I live in Michigan and that has been the center of all conversations lately so I say go ahead on Indy do your thing this kid is awesome and deserves all the recognition that he is getting!!!

No highschool for NBA players?

who are some good current NBA players that never played high school orcollegebasketball.

No highschool for NBA players?nba playoff schedule

if they didnt go to highschool or college.. then that would mean they r like 13 years old and in middle school. im pretty sure that no one has done that, nor will this ever happen.

No highschool for NBA players?nba shop ,nba teams

NBA players have never skipped highschool butcollegethey have
There are only players that have not played incollegelike kobe and lebron.
what are u talkin about every NBA player played ball in high school
hmmm... none
There are several nba players who skippedcollegeand headed straight to the NBA. I am sure you are familiar with the names as you read along. Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Andrew Bynum, Kwame Brown, Leandro Barbosa, Tracy Mcgrady, and Dirk Nowitzki are just a few with nocollegeexperience.
lol out of 8th grade in the NBA. fat chance.

Kobe, T-Mac, KG, Amare Stoudemire, and LeBron played no college.
That will be a great trivia question in 20 years since the NBA just adopted the new rule (which is stupid) that you must attend 1 year of college. What the hell is 1 year gonna do? I say make it 2 or not at all. It will be challenges in court eventually and be dropped. I can see the future now....

The next Bill Gates,,,"No Mr Gates Microsoft of the future will not accept your application to build the biggest company in the world because you did not attendcollegefor 1 year as you are required to do" ???
Manute Bol didnt play in high school or college
ha, i think u mean who didnt playcollegeball ?

then that would be many players. amare "stat" staudamire, t-mac, kobe, lebron, kg, rashard lewis, and jermaine oneal. unfortunatley, u will never hear about any more high skool ballers coming into the nba, that is now agains the "law". but it is still a joy to watch players like kobe and t-mac, who without acollegeeducation, get paid millions just by playing some ball.

Did anyone see me on tv?

In 2005, I shot free-throws at half-time during acollegebasketball game in Madison Square Garden. I won $20,000 and a 2005 Lincoln Aviator SUV.

Did anyone see me on tv?

i think i remember that

Did anyone see me on tv?nba players ,nba teams

Big deal..........
no. and if someone really saw you, they'd forget you by now and will have moved on with their lives with more exciting things to see than you shooting free throws and winning a gas-guzzling SUV(they just gave you the $20k to pay for the gas).
i missed it
Shut Up...why is everyone lying these days??

~* luv Caramel-Heat's #1 Fan ~*
Get a job you bum
I'm sorry but no, I didn't see you.
No because u r noob
maybe ......but...the..imagenation....
Yes, good job.
no I did not ...........
Can I have your autograph?
Cool. I'll be on tv with my family in the end of august.
nope but thanks for the easy 2 points
No... sorry! I can't say I did! Congrats anyway!
You're lying.
your sooo lucky
Can I have your autograph? ya right
No but good job.
No. I did not see you on TV. Congratz on your win. Now stop bragging.
Uhhhhhh,,, no. And if I did I don't remember.
Where would I have seen you on tv???

America's Most Wanted????
no i did not. but congratulations
Never heard of you. Big freakin deal. Pay your taxes and get a job.
Hey..u still remember?i'm the judge who gave u the prizes...remember?if not,stop bragging down here.....

metal necklace